Southeast CDC

The Southeast CDC is dedicated to growing and supporting a thriving, socioeconomically and racially diverse Southeast Baltimore where residents share in the success and improvement of their communities. The Southeast Community Development Corporation is one of the oldest community development corporations in Baltimore. Founded in 1975 as Southeast Development, Inc. (SDI), it was the development arm of the Southeast Community Organization (SECO). Today, the CDC operates a number of community revitalization programs in the Highlandtown area such as the Highlandtown Main Street District and the Highlandtown Arts and Entertainment District, and the Healthy Neighborhoods program in Greektown, Highlandtown and Patterson Park. With funding from the Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative, SECDC also supports work in the CARE, McElderry Park, and Madison East-End neighborhoods. In addition to its community revitalization work, the CDC offers financial counseling, first time homeownership counseling, and foreclosure prevention counseling, and is the lead agency for two Community Schools-–Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #237 and John Ruhrah Elementary/Middle School. This grant provided core operating support.

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