Jubilee Baltimore, Inc.

Jubilee Baltimore administers the Healthy Neighborhoods program in Madison Park, Mount Vernon, Seton Hill, Charles North, and Greenmount West, and serves as the housing and development partner to the Central Baltimore Partnership. In the latter role, Jubilee co-chairs and staffs the Residential Development and Marketing Task Force and coordinates the Partnership’s grant application for the Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative. Jubilee’s latest large scale project is the redevelopment of the former O’Dell’s building at 21 E. North Avenue. Jubilee is also working with the People’s Homesteading Group to rehab nine long-vacant rowhouses on E. 22nd Street in Barclay, and works with the New Greenmount West Community Association to help long-term homeowners of low- and moderate-income accomplish home improvements, particularly façade upgrades and weatherization projects. This work is now expanding into the East Baltimore Midway neighborhood. This grant provided core operating support.

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