Our Grantees

The Goldseker Foundation makes grants primarily in the areas of community development, education, and strengthening the nonprofit sector. We seek opportunities to invest in the people, ideas, and institutions that promote the long-term economic and social progress of our city.

The foundation remains a directly engaged and active partner with our grantees in their efforts to revive and sustain vibrant neighborhoods, strengthen and market great schools, and expand and improve the effectiveness of their programs.

  • Jubilee Baltimore

    Jubilee Baltimore administers the Healthy Neighborhoods program in Madison Park, Mount Vernon, Seton Hill, Charles North, and Greenmount West, and serves as the housing and development partner to the Central Baltimore Partnership. In the latter role, Jubilee co-chairs and staffs the Residential Development and Marketing Task Force and coordinates the Partnership’s grant application for the Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative. This grant provided core operating support.

    Grant Awarded

    $ 85000

    Date Awarded

    February 2025
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  • United Mount Vernon (UMV)

    United Mount Vernon(UMV) is a partnership between community groups, anchor institutions, and the local preservation community to support the preservation, reuse, and activation of the landmark Mount Vernon United Methodist Church, located in the Mount Vernon Place National Historic Landmark District. This grant provided operating support for the initial project period.

    Grant Awarded

    $ 50000

    Date Awarded

    February 2025
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  • Southwest Partnership

    The Southwest Partnership is seven neighborhoods and six institutions working together to build a vibrant community in Southwest Baltimore. Residents, business owners, workers, visitors, church members, and partners in the neighborhoods of Barre Circle, Franklin Square, Hollins Roundhouse, Mount Clare, Pigtown, Poppleton, and Union Square, work to build consensus around community development priorities to create a cohesive community of choice where diversity is recognized as strength. This grant provided core operating support.

    Grant Awarded

    $ 65000

    Date Awarded

    February 2025
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Grants by Year