Our Grantees

The Goldseker Foundation makes grants primarily in the areas of community development, education, and strengthening the nonprofit sector. We seek opportunities to invest in the people, ideas, and institutions that promote the long-term economic and social progress of our city.

The foundation remains a directly engaged and active partner with our grantees in their efforts to revive and sustain vibrant neighborhoods, strengthen and market great schools, and expand and improve the effectiveness of their programs.

  • SquashWise

    SquashWise works with Baltimore youth and families to advance opportunities for education and personal development through academic tutoring, college prep, and mentoring. SquashWise was particularly impacted as it lost its home at Meadow Mill while in the midst of mounting a capital campaign to build a permanent facility and expand its programming. Despite this challenge, SquashWise was able to acquire and is renovating the old Greyhound Bus Terminal through an $11M effort that will preserve and reinvigorate this historic building and enable a projected 40 – 50% growth in annual program enrollment beginning in 2024. This grant provided core operating support.

    Grant Awarded

    $ 40000

    Date Awarded

    June 2024
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  • Soccer Without Borders

    The mission of Soccer Without Borders (SWB) is to use soccer as a vehicle for positive change, providing newcomer youth with a toolkit to overcome obstacles to growth, inclusion, and personal success. The program’s holistic, evidence-based model combines soccer practices with academic and language support, civic engagement, and cultural exchange activities, while proactively reducing barriers to entry that typically leave refugee and immigrant youth excluded. SWB participants come from 40 countries and speak more than 20 languages at home. In Baltimore, SWB’s out-of-school time programming serves 500 immigrant youth annually. SWB currently serves students in Northeast (Frankford, Cedonia, Parkside) and Southeast Baltimore City (Highlandtown, Patterson Park). This grant provided core operating support.

    Grant Awarded

    $ 45000

    Date Awarded

    June 2024
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  • Project Jumpstart

    Project JumpStart (PJS), an 87-hour pre-apprenticeship construction job training program, was launched in 2006 as a program of the Associated Builders and Contractors of Greater Baltimore (ABC Baltimore) to provide job training and placement in the construction trades. ABC Baltimore operated the program for over fifteen years as part of a three-legged partnership with two nonprofit community partners.

    In 2022, after a strategic planning process funded by the Goldseker Foundation, ABC and PJS made the collective decision that it was time to transition JPJS to its own independent organization. PJS not only successfully made this transition but also added two new community partners—Bon Secours, serving program participants in West Baltimore, and Living Classrooms, serving participants in East Baltimore. This grant provided capacity building support.

    Grant Awarded

    $ 35000

    Date Awarded

    June 2024
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Grants by Year