Baltimore City Public School – Barclay School

In support of the school’s Neighborhood-School Partnership with Greater Homewood Community Corporation and Margaret Brent Elementary Middle School, to integrate school and neighborhood marketing in the Healthy Neighborhoods program in Charles Village.

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Baltimore City Public School – Barclay School

In support of the school’s Neighborhood-School Partnership with Greater Homewood Community Corporation and Margaret Brent Elementary Middle School, to integrate school and neighborhood marketing in the Healthy Neighborhoods program in Charles Village.

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Baltimore City Public School – Barclay School

Neighborhood – School Partnership (GHCC)

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Baltimore City Public School – Barclay School

The Greater Homewood Community Corporation has helped school leaders at Barclay and Margaret Brent Elementary/Middle schools gather input from neighborhood parents about what they want in their neighborhood public schools. In response to their feedback, the partners used their first-year grant to begin an ambitious effort to develop and implement a thematic, project-based curriculum at the two schools, with strong input from the community about project content. Loyola University has been providing in-kind professional development and technical assistance in school improvement and curriculum enhancement. GHCC has developed marketing postcards that are distributed through local businesses in Charles Village, inviting more community residents to become involved in the project and to learn about the schools through open house tours and a Great Schools Charles Village website. The second-year grant will be used to continue the development and implementation of the project-based curriculum.

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